
Oh to be the Egyptian God of the Ecstasy of Playing the Sistrum


No, that’s gotta suck.

Like, you really love blissing out and playing the Sistrum, right?

But then you’re made the God of doing that. So now the thing you love is a job. And sure, you’re still good at it. But even if you’re not in the mood, you have to do it, because now it’s your job. And you’ve got divine performance reviews, and metrics, and half your time is in meetings and managing the lesser beings of sistrum-playing and ecstasy.

When really, all you want to do is play the sistrum and drink beer. Which is what you were already doing. Before some asshole made you the actual GOD of the Ecstasy of Playing the Sistrum.


What the fuck? You leave Ihy out of this.


“Ecstacy” is part of the job title.  That means the job can NEVER suck :p


You. You get it.

Reposted from merelygifted