Group statue of Thoth-ibis and devotee on a base inscribed for Padihorsiese

Late Period - Dynasty 26 - ca. 700–500 B.C.E.

The elements of this group all appear to be ancient, and the arrangement is found in other statuettes, but it seems that this group itself was constituted secondarily in ancient or in modern times. Traces on the upper side of the base show it originally supported a striding ibis.

The offering formula on the base indicates that the original donation recorded on the base was made for the benefit of Padihorsiese through the agency of a servant of the ibis cult, a donation procedure only recorded in the 7th and 6th centuries B.C.E.

Front: DHwtj aA-aA nb Xmn.w Di anx
Thoth, twice great, lord of Hermpolis who gives life

Side: wDA snb aHa.w qA jAw aA nfr n P’-Di-Hr.w-zA-As.t zA n P’-Di-Wsjr-
prosperity, health, long life, good and great old age, to Padihorsiese son of Padiosir-

Back: wn ms (n) nb.t-{hrw} pr -wen
born of mistress of the house [name not understood]- ;

Side: nfr-nfr-tm. Di.n sDm n hbj.w Wsjr-nxt
-Nefernefertem(?), given by the servant (sDm) of the Ibises Osirnakht

Marsha Hill 2017