Ancient Egypt 

Native rulers' dynasties preferred

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Amon Pantheos - from Pantheon Egyptien (1823-1825) by Leon Jean Joseph Dubois (1780-1846)


...  My curiosity was now in a way of being satisfied; the Spirit (demon, shall I not rather say?) of Hasheesh had entire possession of me.  I was cast upon the flood of his illusions, and drifted helplessly whithersoever they might choose to bear me.  The thrills which ran through my nervous system became more rapid and fierce, accompanied with sensations that steeped my whole being in unutterable rapture.  I was encompassed by a sea of light, through which played the pure, harmonious colors that are born of light.  While endeavoring, in broken expressions, to describe my feelings to my friends, who sat looking upon me incredulously - not yet having been affected by the drug - I suddenly found myself at the foot of the great Pyramid of Cheops.  The tapering courses of yellow limestone gleamed like gold in the sun, and the pile rose so high that it seemed to lean for support upon the blue arch of the sky.  I wished to ascend it, and the wish alone placed me immediately upon its apex, lifted thousands of feet above the wheat-fields and palm-groves of Egypt.  I cast my eyes downward, and, to my astonishment, saw that it was built, not of limestone, but of huge square plugs of Cavendish tobacco! Words cannot paint the overwhelming sense of the ludicrous which I then experienced.  I writhed on my chair in an agony of laughter, which was only relieved by the vision melting away like a dissolving view; till, out of my confusion of indistinct images and fragments of images, another and more wonderful vision arose.  ... Read More »

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